2018 Talent Salesman - Fact or Fiction?
Rob Ridout Career Coach CV Writer 2017 - The world changed. For talent around the world, the dream had come true...choice! In the dark ages, we found our jobs in print newspapers. Recruiters and companies advertised their roles in alphabetical order on uncoated paper. We waited patiently every week for these large publications to release their staffing inserts. The ultimate problem! A single communicator (the recruiter) speaking to an audience who had no opportunity to speak back let alone ask questions. Just press the send button on the fax and hope for the best. That's right - the good old fax. (Another soon to be outlawed technology dinosaur) This was the world where the headhunter reigned supreme, with the ability to find and sell their opportunities in a space where top talent indeed was “hard to find.” The golf course became the place to be seen - the ultimate hunting ground, the extended boardroom. Even the newspapers such as the Sunday times had ...